Smua org chat x??
Bile lh kte nk buat gathering???
Can all of u giv some ideas??
About the date, place, activities, fee n others??
Tu pown klu rse nk buat..
RIndoo glerRR kat korg tau!!!~
nk jmpe sgt!!!
klu sy nk wt cm nih :
date : ?? [x tau n cnfirm lg]
place : astaka baru, skpct [coz rindoo skolh rndh den!!]
activities : rebut krusi, hadiah misteri, cbutn brtuah, pe2 jelh games, ckp2, mkn2, minum2 n tking pict [the important one 4 the memory!!!]
fee : RM 5 each
food : fried noodles, fried rice, nugget, fries n cake [maybe kowt]
drinks : carbonated drinks, sunquick, skyjuice n syrup [also maybe]
n maybe ad gak org yg akn sponsor skit..
hope korg singgah..
then bace..
then leave comments tau =)
ur fwen (:
khairah a.k.a k-roh ^_^
mish ur lots all of my beloved, cutey, sweety, lovely n smart beshties!!!
upsr 09~
p/s for 6 waja 09 studnts only : klau korg nk post pe2 kat blog nih, bgtau kat sy eyk.. juz emel me at
sy akn bagi password ;)
don't segan n mlu2 lah...